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Many thanks from the IDMU staff and volunteers to all who are now proud owners of an IDMU badge.

This year's Glastonbury has broken all records with around 1800 completed surveys, nearly doubling the previous festival best from 1994, and more than 10 times the response from 1998 (remember it was a little bit muddy that year). If you have a badge, you are part of the exclusive club of questionnaire respondents. If you completed the contact form, you will be hearing from us soon.

The weather was ideal, and both stalls found many willing volunteers to spend 20 minutes (or more) (yeah, and the rest !!) filling the questionnaires in, and there were many times when we ran out of clipboards. What a contrast to 1998!

Oh, there were some bands playing too, apparently.

If you took a survey home - please send it back a.s.a.p.

  © IDMU Ltd 1994 - 2004